Crafton Boroughs primary source of revenue is generated by the collection of property taxes. The tax rate, or “millage,” for each year is set by ordinance of the Borough Council in coordination with the next year’s adopted budget. Borough Council can adjust the millage rates and create or dissolve reserved funds (funds supported by dedicated revenues) annually through this process. Both Allegheny County and Carlynton School District also collect property taxes, although their millage rates are set separately from the Borough’s and are administered by their respective governing bodies.
For 2025, the total millage rate collected by the Borough was set at 8.59. Property tax collection is handled by Jordan Tax Services. Questions about specific tax bills or payments should be directed to Jordan Tax using the contact information at the bottom of this page.
Understanding Millage and Tax Rate Calculations
Property owners can use millage rates to calculate their total property taxes owed to each government body. One (1) mill is equal to $1 paid on each $1,000 of property valuation. A house assessed at $100,000 would pay $100 per mill of levied tax. In this example, if the millage was set at 1.00, the owner would pay $100; if the millage was set at 2.50, the owner would pay $250, and so on.
Crafton’s property owners pay property taxes to the Borough, Carlynton School District, and Allegheny County. As of January 2023, the millage rates for each of these entities were as follows:
Crafton Borough - 8.59 mills
Carlynton School District - 26.7432 mills
Allegheny County - 4.73 mills
Please note millage rates are subject to change for each entity. For the most up-to-date information on millage rates, please refer to your latest tax bill(s).
Local Services Taxes
Crafton Borough collects the following Act 511 (“Local Services”) taxes:
Earned Income Tax (EIT)
Occupational Privilege Tax
Business Privilege/Mercantile Tax
For more information on these taxes, please contact the Borough Administrative Office at 412-921-0752 ext. 10.
Business owners are responsible for understanding the Borough’s regulations and requirements for the payment of Business Privilege and/or Mercantile Taxes. The Borough will be adding more information to the website soon regarding these taxes. In the meantime, please call the Borough Administrative Office with any questions about how to ensure you are making your Business Privilege/Mercantile Tax payments.
Businesses and Companies who need to set up a Tax ID for Earned Income Tax should reach out directly to Jordan Tax Service, Inc. at (724) 731-2310.
Helpful Links for Homeowners
Allegheny County Municipal Info Page - Crafton Borough - This links to the Allegheny County Treasurer’s Office page on Crafton Borough, which lists millage rates for the Borough, Carlynton School District, and County, as well as related information such as median assessed property value and total property valuation in the municipality. This page is maintained by the County and not edited by Crafton Borough.
Property Tax, Sewage and Trash Collection Questions?
Jordan Tax Service
Phone: 724-731-2310 or 412-835-5243
Address: 102 Rahway Road, McMurray, PA 15317