Crafton Public Works

Crafton’s Public Works Department includes 7 full-time laborers. Public Works performs a variety of maintenance activities for the Borough’s public areas and infrastructure, such as street sweeping and plowing, leaf pickup, basic public sewer maintenance, and general facility repairs.

Wood Chipper Service

In 2023, the Borough of Crafton, purchased a new Vermer BC1500 Brush Chipper. This equipment allows the Crafton Public Works Department to process and facilitate the recycling of wood waste in the Borough. This service is offered April 15th through November 15th of each year.

Crafton Borough Yard Waste Collection & Chipper Service Notice

Important: The Borough will ONLY collect the following yard waste:

1.    Branches under 5 inches in diameter and under 10 feet long.
2.    Compostable paper bags weighing less than 40 lbs.
3.    Will fit in one pick-up truck.
4.    Requests must be made by 4:00 pm on Tuesday during the week of collection.

If Public Works encounters larger branches, unbagged debris, or non-compostable bags, they will not collect it.

Collection Schedule:
• April 23, 2025, to November 12, 2025
• Every other week, coinciding with recycle collection
• Collections occur Wednesday through Friday of the scheduled pickup week
• Weather permitting

To request pickup:
Submit a request online or call the Borough Administrative Office by 4 PM the day before collection.

 Branch Requirements:
• Diameter: Less than 5 inches
• Length: Up to 10 feet
• Volume: Should fit in a pickup truck

 Bagged Yard Waste:
• Use only compostable paper bags
• Weight limit: Less than 40 lbs per bag
• Contents: Leaves and small yard debris only – no soil, fill, or gravel.

• Do NOT place yard waste in regular garbage bags.
• Hedge cuttings, limbs, and branches are prohibited in regular trash (PA Act 101).
• Our waste haulers will not collect these items with regular garbage.

For more information or to request pickup, visit our website or call the Borough Administrative Office.

Fall Leaf Collection

Crafton Public Works Department collects and composts leaf waste generated in the Borough each year. Fall leaf collection generally starts during the month of October and runs through early December, weather permitting. Leaf collection may conclude earlier in the season if winter weather requires the trucks to be converted to plowing and winter maintenance equipment.

To participate in fall leaf collection, please rake leaves to the curb/street. Bagged leaves will also be collected upon request. Leaves should be placed in biodegradable/eco-friendly bags. Please contact the Administrative Office for pickup of bagged leaves. Bagged leaves must be free of twigs, dog waste and other debris.

Beginning Monday, October 18, 2024, the Crafton Public Works Department will begin collecting leaves out for curbside pickup on a weekly schedule as noted below:

MONDAY – 1st WARD – Pink Area on Map (East of the Busway Line)
TUESDAY – 2nd WARD – Yellow Area on Map (West of the Busway Line & North of Ewing Road)
WEDNESDAY – 3rd WARD – Orange Area on Map (South of Ewing Road)

Please make sure your leaves are raked to the curb by 6:00 am on your designated collection day. If there is a delay in the schedule due to weather or any other emergency Crafton Borough will send a notice via the Savvy Citizen App. If you are not sure what ward you are in, please review the attached map or contact the Administrative Office at (412) 921-0752 x 10.

Please be aware that the leaf vacuum equipment does generate “leaf dust,” which is unavoidable. Leaf dust may accumulate on parked vehicles during the operation of this equipment. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Auxiliary Meter Credits

Residents who have installed an auxiliary meter for exterior water usage such as, sprinklers, gardens, and pools are eligible to receive a refund on sewage usage. Auxiliary meters must be installed by a licensed plumber and certified by Crafton Public Works.


Please use ext. 10 for the general office line if you wish to speak to someone immediately during the hours of 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

Click here to submit an online service request.


Available for self-service pickup at the main Crafton Park on W. Steuben Street located in the parking lot behind the Stage/Amphitheater.