We have had reports from residents that skunks have become a nuisance in a few areas of the Borough. We have had reports from Haldane St., Fountain St., Walnut St., and Dinsmore Ave. The Borough has been in contact with the Pennsylvania Game Commission to better understand what is causing this relatively new skunk issue (over the past few years) and determine the best course of action for the homeowners of Crafton.
The skunks are most likely on the move for several reasons; brush that was cleared in several area valleys, new infrastructure and sewer construction, and new building and construction up and down the Chartiers Creek valley. Those changes cause rodents and other small critters to seek new habitats, and when rodents move, skunks follow. In addition, those issues have been exacerbated this spring by very dry weather forcing even more rodents and skunks to forage for water.
When skunks venture into new and riskier territories they tend to come into contact with areas that have not seen many in the past, like open garages, raised decks, porches, and sheds. These areas also have perceived predators like your pet dog or cat, and when skunks feel threatened, they are quick to spray.
There are several things a homeowner can do, so you do not have attractive places for skunks to make dens or to forage for food or water. This website was recommended by the Game Commission and has excellent advice about what to do to prevent your property from becoming a safe space for skunks to live and propagate. Often when these things are done effectively the skunks will move on in search of shelter, food, and water.
If a homeowner has tried all of these things and the skunks persist, the last resort is trapping the skunks. This can be done either by the homeowner or by a Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator (NWCO), companies that are permitted by the state to trap nuisance animals off season. Trapping skunks off season is legal if the skunks have caused or are at risk of causing damage to your property.
Trapping skunks yourself is the least expensive option of the two listed above, with skunk specific traps ranging from $75 to $150. This page has directions on how to do it to minimize your risk of getting sprayed. Please beware that baby skunks are most likely to misfire, because they don’t yet have control of their pungent little weapon. Many of the skunk specific cages are designed to prevent skunks from spraying. In Pennsylvania, any animal considered a “rabies vector” (could carry rabies) is not legally permitted to be moved, and should be euthanized.
If trapping skunks is not something you are comfortable with, or able to do, you can hire a NWCO to do it for you. The wildlifehelp.org website has a list of registered NWCOs in Pennsylvania and there are more than ten within 20 miles of Crafton.