Parks Master Site Plans
The Borough of Crafton is currently working on a study of the potential improvements or enhancements to each of its four (4) parks and trails locations as well as three (3) other Borough-owned properties that could be used for recreation, trails, and/or natal open spaces in the future.
The Borough recently gathered thoughts and input from nearly 400 households in the community regarding their particular recreation needs and aspirations. This input has helped inform and shape the series of concepts presented below. In addition to exploring the colored maps that depict the possibilities for each of the locations, the following survey asks for your initial opinion on the various ideas and whether any particular concept rises to the top as a potential Borough priority.
We appreciate you taking 10 to 12 minutes to review the ideas illustrated below and let us know if we’re on the right track! The survey will be open for input through 11:59pm of January 16, 2022.
Please fill out the survey at the attached link:
Link to the 2017 Comprehensive Plan