Crime Watch Report - October 2023

Area 1- Coordinator- (Vacant)

Area 2 – Coordinator-Sandy Gibson

Area 3– Coordinator- Diane McQuaide

Area 4- Coordinator- Amy Buchman (acting)

Area 5- Coordinator- Mary Fleming

Area 6- Coordinator- Bill & Janet Finlay Jr.

10-21-23. A parked vehicle was struck by a black pick-up truck in the Dunkin Donuts parking lot.


The holidays will be fast upon us. If you are expecting packages to be delivered to your residence, try to make an alternate plan if you will not be home when your delivery arrives. Some ideas would be to set up an alternate drop off spot that is out of sight from the street, have a neighbor retrieve the package for you, require a signature, have security cameras facing directly on the drop off location, or have it delivered on another day or another location. These are just a few suggestions to prevent porch pirates from stealing your belongings.

Please report any suspicious people or activity immediately by calling 911 instead of calling hours or days later to file a report. Thefts from vehicles are still a huge crime of opportunity and are happening in every community. Several communities around Crafton have been hit hard over the past year. Don’t be an easy victim. Lock your vehicle and residence every time, day and night, that you leave it. These are easily preventable crimes to protect your belongings. Also DO NOT leave valuables in your vehicle or at least not in plain view. NEVER, ever leave a spare or valet key in your vehicle either.




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