مدارس كرافتون
In 2011, Bloomberg Business Week honored Crafton by naming it the Best Place to Raise Children in Pennsylvania. The quality and performance of our neighborhood schools was the top criteria considered by Business Week when Crafton was chosen for this outstanding distinction.
Part of the Carlynton School District, Crafton Elementary School is a K-6 building with about 350 students from both Crafton and Rosslyn Farms. The building typically houses two sections per grade level with an average of 22 students in each class. All Crafton students attend music, art, library and physical education each week. They also visit the computer lab several times throughout the week. Additionally, Crafton has mobile labs that contain 25 laptops each.
Crafton has made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for six years in a row across all subjects and grade levels with PSSA scores well above the state average.
The school has a strong Parent Teacher Association. Our PTA members recognize student success through our Accelerated Reading Program. The PTA works closely with the school staff to enhance an already strong, home-school connection.
U.S. News and World Reports, in its Spring 2015 issue, ranked Carlynton Junior-Senior High School as a Top 100 High School in Pennsylvania. Based on enrollment, student-to-teacher ratio, proficiency scores on state assessment tests and the participation and achievement rate on advanced placement tests, the school placed 54th out of 673 public, charter and magnet high schools in the Commonwealth, placing it in the top 8 percent.