المجالس واللجان
The Borough of Crafton is seeking talented volunteers to serve on its appointed boards, commissions and committees. Service on a board, commission or committee is an excellent way for citizens to become involved in local government and contribute to the quality of life in Crafton.
Consider contributing to the community by filling out the Borough’s Application for Appointed Positions on Boards and Commissions. Please click to review the Borough’s Appointment Policy for Boards and Commissions.
The following outlines the duties, requirements, current members, and vacancies for each of Crafton’s Board and Commission. If you have any questions please call 412-921-0752 ext. 10 or email committees@craftonborough.com.
Civil Service Commission (6 Year Term)
Meetings: Held as needed
مكان الاجتماع: قاعة المجلس، 140 برادفورد أفينيو، بيتسبرغ، بنسلفانيا 15205
Duties: Write Rules and Regulations for hiring of police officers, oversee and monitor the hiring process, and sit as a hearing body for candidate challenges and disciplinary matters.
Requirements: The Commission consists of three members and two alternates, each of whom is a full-time resident and a qualified elector of the Borough of Crafton. Members are appointed by Crafton Borough Council to serve for a six-year term. Knowledge of local government, experience in law enforcement, legal experience, and ability to work in a team environment are preferred, but not required. Only one Council member may serve and no civil service commissioner shall hold another elected or appointed office in federal, state, county, or municipal government, except for the afore mentioned Council member.
Current Members And Term Expiration Dates
Lynn Nickel, Chairperson (July 1, 2030)
Mercedes McKormick-Karl (July 1, 2026)
Susan O’Connell (July 1, 2028)
Alt: VACANT : (February 1, 2029)
Alt: Mary Gild (May 20, 2026)
Alt: VACANT : (February 1, 2031)
Planning Commission (4 Year Term)
Meetings and Commitment: 4th Tuesday of each month (unless noted) at 6:30 PM; Prep and follow-up work before and after meetings
Meeting Location: Council Chambers, 140 Bradford Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 and Zoom
Duties: The Planning Commission acts in an advisory capacity and makes recommendations to the Borough Council on applications filed under Chapter 197, Subdivision and Land Development, and Chapter 225, Zoning, as well as amendments to those Chapters and the Comprehensive Plan.
Requirements: The Commission consists of five members, each of whom is a full-time resident of the Borough of Crafton. Members are appointed by Crafton Borough Council to serve for a four-year term. Knowledge of local government, experience in planning and zoning, and ability to work in a team environment are preferred, but not required.
Current Members And Term Expiration Dates
Megan Winters (April 13, 2027)
Rhiannon Haller (April 13, 2028)
Eric Valcheff, Chairperson (April 13, 2025)
Alice Pescuric (April 13, 2025)
VACANT (April 13, 2026)
For more information see the Planning Boards and Commission Page
Zoning Hearing Board (3 Year Term)
Meetings: Held as needed
مكان الاجتماع: قاعة المجلس، 140 برادفورد أفينيو، بيتسبرغ، بنسلفانيا 15205
Duties: The Board convenes to hear appeals from the decision of the Zoning Administrator, requests for variance from the terms of the zoning and grading codes, and requests for use by special exception as established by the zoning code. The Board also hears challenges to the validity of any provision of the zoning or land use requirements and appoints its own Solicitor (not Municipal Solicitor).
Zoning Hearing Board Procedures
Requirements: The Board consists of three members and two alternates, each of whom is a full-time resident and not Council Member. Members are appointed by Crafton Borough Council to serve for a three-year term. Knowledge of local government, experience in planning and zoning, and ability to work in a team environment are preferred, but not required.
Current Members And Term Expiration Dates
Logan Drew (December 31, 2027)
Cory Roma (December 31, 2027)
Ben Valimont (December 31, 2025)
Alt: Lisa Smith (December 31, 2027)
Alt: Christopher McCormick (December 31, 2025)
For more information see the Planning Boards and Commission Page
Library Board (3 Year Term)
Meetings and Commitment: The Board meets every other month. Appointees are responsible for preparing for the bimonthly meetings.
Meeting Location: Meetings are held in the back of the Crafton Borough Library and are occasionally held remotely.
Duties: The Library Board is the governing board for the Crafton Public Library and advises and supports the mission of the Library.
Requirements: Crafton Borough appoints two members to the Crafton Public Library, and those appointees must be full-time residents of the Borough. Members are appointed by the Crafton Borough Council to serve for a three year term.
Current Members and Term Expiration Dates
Tiffany Hickman (March 16, 2026)
Daniel Harrold (May 18, 2027)
Shade Tree Commission (5 Year Term)
Meetings and Commitment: 2nd Tuesday of each Month at 6PM.
Meeting Location: Council Chambers, 140 Bradford Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15205; Zoom; various outdoor locations throughout the Borough
Duties: The Commission is tasked with maintaining the urban tree population of Crafton so as to enhance air quality, improve storm water management, and increase the aesthetic appeal of our neighborhoods. Maintain Tree City USA designation and requirements.
Requirements: The Board consists of five members, each of whom is a full-time resident of the Borough of Crafton. Members are appointed by Crafton Borough Council to serve for a five-year term. Becoming a certified Tree Tender is required.
Current Members And Term Expiration Dates
Mary Luxbacher (March 31, 2026)
John Oliverio (March 31, 2025)
Christin Sciulli (March 31, 2027)
Nathan Henry, Chairperson (March 31, 2028)
Karen Benton (March 31, 2029)
Recreation Board (4 Year Term)
Meetings and Commitment: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM; Organizing and planning community events; Attendance at events (including prep, coordination, clean-up)
Meeting Location: Council Chambers, 140 Bradford Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 and Zoom
Duties: The Recreation Board has the authority to plan recreational programs for residents of the Borough, supervise and schedule recreational events in the existing recreation places maintained by the Borough. Make further recommendations to Council affecting the recreational activities at such recreation places and parks within the Borough.
Requirements: The Board consists of nine members, each of whom is a full-time resident of the Borough of Crafton. Members are appointed by Crafton Borough Council to serve for a four-year term. Knowledge of local government, experience in parks and recreation systems, and ability to work in a team environment are preferred, but not required.
Current Members And Term Expiration Dates
Mary Luxbacher (December 31, 2027)
Cory Roma (December 31, 2027)
Pamela Pulkownik (December 31, 2027)
Elizabeth Palmer (September 30, 2028)
Mandy Guerino (February 28, 2029)
Gabrielle Backner (February 28, 2029)
Christopher Nickelson (February 28, 2026)
Danielle Corey Sheaffer, Chairperson (September 30, 2026)
Megan Winters (September 30, 2028)
For more information please see the Parks & Recreation Board page.
Vacancy Board (2 Year Term)
Meetings: Held as needed
مكان الاجتماع: قاعة المجلس، 140 برادفورد أفينيو، بيتسبرغ، بنسلفانيا 15205
Duties: The Vacancy Board is comprised of Council and one registered elector of the Borough who shall be appointed by Council at the reorganization meeting and who shall act as Chair of the Vacancy Board, which shall appoint a registered elector of the Borough to an open Council Member seat if a vacancy occurs and the sitting Council is unable to appoint a replacement after 30 days.
Requirements: A full-time resident and qualified elector of the Borough of Crafton.
Current Members And Term Expiration Dates
Alice J. Pescuric (December 31, 2025)
Crafton Council Members