Crime Watch Alert - February 15, 2024
The Crafton Police Department took a report on 2-15-2024 regarding a resident who received two checks from the United States Treasury dated for 2-09-2024. The checks were payable to the resident in the amount of $43 each and were for “tax refunds” from 2019 and 2021. The resident was advised by his bank that these checks were fraudulent. There is a QR code on the checks as well and it is suggested to NOT scan this code.
The following link was a news story on WPXI just last night regarding the same scam in another jurisdiction. It is worth the read…
Crafton PD is also looking for two people to be crime watch coordinators. If you are interested in being a coordinator, please contact the office at 412-921-2016.
يرجى عدم ترك سيارتك غير مقفلة أو ترك الأشياء الثمينة في سيارتك.
قم دائمًا بالإبلاغ عن أي نشاط مشبوه و/أو أشخاص مشبوهين على الفور إلى الرقم 911.
Make sure to follow the Crafton Police Department on Facebook for the most up to date information.
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