
Crafton Boroughs primary source of revenue is generated by the collection of property taxes. The tax rate, or “millage,” for each year is set by ordinance of the Borough Council in coordination with the next year’s adopted budget. Borough Council can adjust the millage rates and create or dissolve reserved funds (funds supported by dedicated revenues) annually through this process. Both Allegheny County and Carlynton School District also collect property taxes, although their millage rates are set separately from the Borough’s and are administered by their respective governing bodies.

For 2025, the total millage rate collected by the Borough was set at 8.59. Property tax collection is handled by Jordan Tax Services. Questions about specific tax bills or payments should be directed to Jordan Tax using the contact information at the bottom of this page.


业主可以使用磨坊税率来计算他们欠各政府机构的房产税总额。一(1)厘等于每 1,000 美元的财产估值支付 1 美元。一栋评估价值为 100,000 美元的房屋每毫升征税 100 美元。在这个例子中,如果磨坊税定为 1.00,业主将支付 100 美元;如果磨坊税定为 2.50,业主将支付 250 美元,依此类推。

卡夫顿的业主向自治市、卡林顿学区和阿勒格尼县缴纳财产税。截至 2023 年 1 月,这些实体的税率如下:

Crafton Borough - 8.59 mills
Carlynton School District - 28.5082 mills
Allegheny County - 6.43 mills


For comparison of local school districts and/or local municipalities click here.


克拉夫顿区征收以下第 511 号法案("地方服务")税:

  • 收入所得税(EIT)

  • 职业特权税

  • 商业特权/商业税

如需了解有关这些税收的更多信息,请致电 412-921-0752 转 10 联系区行政办公室。


需要为收入所得税设置税号的企业和公司,请直接联系 Jordan Tax Service, Inc.,电话:(724) 731-2310。


阿勒格尼县市政信息页面 - 克拉夫顿区- 本页链接至阿勒格尼县财政局关于克拉夫顿区的页面,其中列出了该区、卡林顿学区和县的耕地分配率,以及相关信息,如该市的财产评估价值中位数和财产总价值。本页面由郡政府维护,未经克拉夫顿区编辑。



Phone: 724-731-2310 or 412-835-5243
Email: custsvc@jordantax.com
Website: https://www.jordantax.com/
Address: 102 Rahway Road, McMurray, PA 15317