Get Help!

Read on to learn how Senator Fontana’s Office can get help you apply for Pennsylvania’s Property Tax or Rent Rebate Program.


参议员韦恩-方塔纳(Wayne Fontana)希望提醒符合条件的个人,他的办公室可以协助他们通过 "2022 宾夕法尼亚州房产税/租金返还计划"(2022 Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program)申请返还。申请表可通过 或致电 1-888-222-9190 在线获取。

申报人可使用税务局的 myPath 系统在线申请财产税/租金退税。在线申报可实现快速处理、简便的直接存款选项和自动计算器,帮助您申请退税。

The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program benefits eligible Pennsylvanians age 65 and older; widows and widowers age 50 and older; and people with disabilities age 18 and older. The income limit is $35,000 for homeowners and $15,000 for renters. Please keep in mind, half of Social Security income is excluded.

The original June 30 deadline to apply was extended earlier this year. Applications are now due to the Department of Revenue by Dec. 31. The program is funded by the Pennsylvania Lottery and revenue from slots gaming.

If you need assistance in filing your application or have questions about the program, please contact the Senator’s Brookline office (412-344-2551) or Kennedy office (412-331-1208) to make an appointment.

Senator Fontana would also like to remind everyone that his office publishes an online newsletter each Tuesday. His ENews focuses on state issues, legislation and happenings within the district. You can receive these weekly News & Views editions by signing up at